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What is the value of knowing WHO raised your beef?

What is the value of knowing WHERE your beef was raised?

What is the value of knowing HOW your beef was raised?

At North Texas Beef, you can rest assured that the cattle we sell for beef are bred, born, and raised locally in the Paradise area. At the heart of our program is a cow-calf operation. Our beef calves are born locally. Our calves are checked daily, nurse their mamas, and weaned around 200 days old. When we gather cattle for weaning, we focus on animal well-being and low-stress handling. We work quietly and efficiently.

We do those things that keep our animals healthy and as stress free as possible.


Our weaned calves are allowed to roam on native and improved grasses until they are about a year old. Salt and mineral supplements are provided free choice at all times. Handling is kept to a minimum but human interaction in the pasture is frequent - our cattle are used to us walking around and amongst them. 


Our beef animals are placed in a small pasture during their finishing phase. Grain is increasingly fed during the last 90-120 days to finish the animal. This fattening greatly improves the marbling and taste of your meat.

Sometimes we partner with Dub Wallace Ranch for steers in our grass-finished program. Dub Wallace Ranch is based in Sonora, Texas. Steers at the DWR are finished on fresh grass sprouts (fodder) and yield a taste and tenderness that is difficult to distinguish from grain-finished steers. 

Content calves grow better, are healthier, and have less stress ... all help to make the final product the best it can be.

We take pride in our business.

Knowing by whom, where, and how your beef was raised adds value! Most would pay a premium for such knowledge, value, and peace of mind. But with our process you actually pay no more than at your local grocery store, and in most cases ... you'll pay less!


How important is it to YOU to KNOW where your food came from?

Knowledge is better than gold

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